Why doesn't anyone listen to me?

We just got back from our December Primary activity. We had breakfast, made Christmas crafts, and practiced our songs we are singing in sacrament meeting. After everything was over, my kids were running around like a pack of hyenas. I told them several times to settle down and to be quiet while I gathered my things, but I felt like I was talking to a brick wall. When we went out to the car I expressed my displeasure with the way they were behaving and they promised to do better. On the way home we stopped at Payless to get some new Sunday shoes for the two older kids. After they had found the shoes they wanted they again started chasing each other around and being noisy and annoying again. Again, I repeatedly asked them to stop and again I was ignored. When we got to the car I told them that they had behaved very badly and they were again contrite. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but it can get very frustrating when you feel like the invisible woman.


ME said…
I completely agree with you. Half the time I look at my own kids and wonder "Who the heck is that kids mother" I know your children are delightful and wonderfully talented (good job Nathan at the piano recital) and sometimes they pick up the art of not hearing us as well. I just hope they use the ignoring part of their brains when they are listening to their peers between the ages of 11-25! I love you guys!

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