
Showing posts from November, 2008


Since the election is now over I have been amazed by the reaction of the gay community towards the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In Hawaii, we don't hear anything about it, but I have been keeping up on the subject through the internet and have been deeply saddened by the intolerance I have seen. Since I have a blog, I decided that I would write about my feelings and share a few of the articles that I think have shown this fiasco in the correct light. The first is called "The Right to Win". The web address is http://article.nationalreview. com/?q= M2E1ODgyMDczMDA3NzkzY2E4YTNhNj gzMjk2NmEyOTY= . I think that this man has hit the nail on the head when he talks about people in the United States and their belief that winning is a right and if they loose then they are being discriminated against. Another article that I thought very good is found at ideas/081110hate.html . Anyway, I just wanted to share.

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween. We decided to forgo the trunk or treat at the church and go trick or treating around the neighborhood. As we were beginning to get ready to go, Joslyn ran up to me in a panic. She had worn her witch costume to school and then had left it in her backpack on the bus. Of course at that hour it was much too late to anything about it, but luckily she has dress-up stuff and I told her to get her red Belle dress and her gold crown. She ran and put it on and then I did her hair, fastened the crown and put on some princess makeup and she was ready to go. Nathan put on his Indiana Jones costume and I gave him some stubble with some Halloween makeup I had purchased for that purpose. Caleb was a skeleton, but only wore his mask long enough to try to scare us and then took it off and refused to wear it again. Everybody looked great. Phil stayed home to hand out candy and I took the kids around the neighborhood. This was Caleb's first year trick or treating an


A couple of weeks ago we took the kids and went to the Polynesian Cultural Center. We had such a good time and the kids really enjoyed all the villages and the IMAX movie. We got season passes because the military/resident pass for a year ended up costing the same amount as going once at the regular price. There were a few things we didn't get to do because it started to rain on us, but we will be able to go back and finish whenever we want. The kids got the chance to go up on stage at the Tongan Village and play the drums. They also got to throw spears, get fake tattoos, play some traditional games and learn lots of cool stuff. When we left, Joslyn said "Mom, we should go back to that fun place soon." Yes, we should. Feeding the ducks. Playing traditional games. Making paper. Playing the drums. Spear throwing. Hail the mighty hunter!