
Showing posts from April, 2009

Two months old

I cannot believe it, but my little Chase is now two months old. He is such a cute little guy and has a very pleasant disposition. He is smiling and cooing now and we often have private conversations where he tries to tell me all sorts of fascinating things. I wish I could really understand what he is trying to tell me. I bet they would great and marvelous things.


Today Caleb and I were walking to the park. We had moved off the sidewalk to let another stroller pass ours and Caleb was walking on the outside when I noticed a car coming up behind us. I tried to move Caleb so that I would be between him and the street, but as he was moving to the side he tripped and fell and hit his chin on the curb. He started to cry and was bleeding and we sat on the curb for some minutes while he calmed down. When he had stopped crying I asked him if he wanted to go home or wanted to go play. He smiled and said "Play!", so we went to the park and played. My tough little man.

I am not a soccer mom!

Today both Nathan and Joslyn had soccer games. I had to bring snacks for Joslyn's team, take Joslyn to her game, drop her off and run Nathan over to his game (they both started at 10:00), watch the first half of Nathan's game, and then run over and watch the last half of Joslyn's. Throw having to chase Caleb around while holding the baby in the front pack, and you will have a pretty good idea of my morning. One of my friends made a comment to me the other day calling me the "ultimate soccer mom". I smiled at her, but inside I had had to disagree. I admit that the term "soccer mom" has been ruined for me by Hilary Clinton. She used that term a lot in her speeches and campaigns, and I am not a fan, so the word has been tainted. I didn't even like it when Sarah Palin overused the term "hockey mom" when she was running for Vice President. To me, terms such as these pigeon hole us. I am not a "soccer mom". I am more! I am a


Last night Phil and I took the kids bowling. It was a lot of fun except the part where Caleb didn't get a good nap yesterday and whined almost the entire time (except when it was his turn). The kids had so much fun and it was really nice to get to go out and do something as a family. Phil has on his game face. Nathan scores a spare! Caleb's ball gets a little help from Phil. That ball is bigger than her head! Yes, that is me bowling with Chase in the front pack, I'm a supermom!

It's true, comb overs never work.

Well, I tried to preserve Caleb's wonderful red locks, but it was just no good. There were just too many bald spots to cover, so I had to chop his hair. It made me a little sad and I couldn't bring myself to shave it completely to get rid of all the damage (she cut it down to the scalp), but it is much less noticeable now, and I suppose that it is a good "summer" cut. After all, it is only hair and it will grow back.

Isn't he a little young for a bald spot?

Beware the wrath of a sister! Apparently, the other night Caleb got a hold of a pair of scissors and cut a lock of Joslyn's hair. Not a huge piece, just a little bit, you can't even tell, but she got mad. She took the scissors away from him and retaliated the only way that made sense to her. She cut off a lock of his hair, only she went a little overboard in my opinion. I'm not exactly sure what to do with him. I certainly don't want to shave his hair because I love it and I think it would look bad. I guess I'll try a comb over and see how that goes. It is a good thing that he is only two and doesn't care what he looks like.

Brotherly love

This morning, Caleb wanted to hold Chase so I put them both on my bed. The fellowing ensued.

Easter disaster averted

I didn't do anything big for Easter this year. What with Phil gone and all, I just didn't have it in me, but I did get some Easter candy and was all ready to put it in baskets for the little ones. Saturday night, way after the kids had finally fallen asleep, I went out to the garage to pull down my holiday bin and get out the small baskets I had purchased several years ago. Down came the bin, out came the stuff and (gasp) no baskets! Then I remembered that when we had moved here, Phil had "accidentally" thrown away one of my holiday bins, and along with all my fabulous Halloween stuff, the baskets must also have been in there. Crap! Now what was I going to do? Then I remembered an e-mail that I had received from that had some easy Easter crafts in it. I found the e-mail and saw that they had an easy homemade Easter basket made with an egg carton, some pipe cleaner and some crepe paper streamers. I emptied all the eggs out of my egg carton, ran

Post Script

I forgot that I was going to post a picture of a pineapple plant for those of you who have never seen one, so here it is. I thought that they were pretty darn cool.

The Pineapple Express

I finally took the kids to the Dole Plantation. It has been something I have been meaning to do for some time now and it is just down the road, but somehow we never made the time to go. It was a lot of fun. We went on the train and fed the huge fish and had some delicious pineapple ice cream. The kids chase the peahen and Caleb ran around like a crazy boy with Nathan dogging his every step trying to keep him in line for me. He is such a good helper. Nathan wanted to do the maze, but Caleb was sleepy and Joslyn was complaining that she was cold (turns out that she had a fever), so we went home instead, but we had a fun time and will go back to do the other stuff some other day.

Two Boys in a Bed

One thing that I love about Caleb is that he is such a sweet boy. He loves his baby brother so much and always wants to hold him and give kisses. He hasn't quite figured out what it means to be "gentle", but he tries to love Chase as best he can. This morning I woke up to calls of "MOM! OUT!" so I dragged my sorry self out of bed and went into Caleb's room and got him out of the crib. Then I went back into my room and flopped on the bed, not quite ready to face the day. I had my eyes closed, but I heard Caleb come in and start to talk to Chase, who was also awake and lying in his bassinet. Then I heard Caleb start to make kissing noises. It is not unusual for Caleb to blow kisses at Chase so I didn't look at first until Chase started making little grunts that coincided with the kisses. I sat up and I saw that Caleb had climbed into the bassinet with the baby and was giving him loves.