
Showing posts from 2012
I haven't blogged in such a long time, I thought I would share some pictures of my darling baby. He is so sweet and wonderful. Enjoy! Chase got a little extra creative with the stickers one day and decided to decorate the baby. Dallin was such a good sport about the whole thing. Chase is an equal opportunity decorator. Ok, OK enough is enough!

Arg! There be Pirates here!

Well, not really, but we did go camping awhile ago at Buccaneer State Park. It is called this because it was actually a hideout for pirates at one time. It was also a camping site for General Andrew Jackson's army during the battle for New Orleans during the war of 1812. It is a nice park, almost right on the beach about 30 minutes from our home. We apparently went at the perfect time because later in the spring it is full of nasty little gnats. We had recently purchased a new bike rack that we can use with our trailer, so we were able to take our bikes with us. We also bought a new tent, one big enough to fit the whole family with an extra room that came in handy when it rained. We arrived in the early afternoon and set up our campsite. We got our new tent up without too much trouble and were very impressed with all of our new space. We had been sleeping in two separate tents and Phil and I wanted to be in the same tent, but liked the idea of different rooms. The kids were

Jocelyn's Birthday and Baptism

Jocelyn turned 8 on December 15th. Due to the fact that I had just given birth only a week before, I decided to wait until Aunt Heather arrived before attempting to host a birthday party. Heather arrived on the 18th, and we invited a few kids over to the house the following week (I can't remember which day) to celebrate her birthday with us. Phil had purchased the Smurf DVD for Jocelyn so I decided that it would be fun to have a Smurf party. Heather, the queen of cakes, made an adorable Smurf house cake and we opened presents and watched the movie for entertainment. We kept things simple, but I think that she had a good time. Opening presents A Smurfy present Heather's Smurfalicious cake. Blowing out the candles Since Phil was in Afghanistan, Jocelyn decided to wait to be baptized until her Daddy could perform the ordinance. We

Welcome Home Sailor

After eight grueling months of separation Phil is back from Afghanistan. He came home on the 24th of January. It is such a joy to have him back and interestingly enough, it feels almost as if he never left. That must been a brain defense mechanism or something. Here is a breakdown of our reunion. We were told that the buses carrying our people would be arriving between 4:15 and 4:30 p.m. The kids got home from school at 3:10 and we were out the door by 3:40 (thanks to all the last minute running around). We got to the base at 3:50 and when we pulled up to the Training Hall I almost freaked out because I saw some white buses and a lot of guys in the Desert uniform. For one brief, but terrifying second I thought they had arrived early and I had missed it. I knew that wasn't the case because I had been calling the number given to us all day to check the time and nobody was hugging and freaking out. I mentally gave myself a slap "snap out of it!" and got the kids out o