Jocelyn's Birthday and Baptism

Jocelyn turned 8 on December 15th. Due to the fact that I had just given birth only a week before, I decided to wait until Aunt Heather arrived before attempting to host a birthday party. Heather arrived on the 18th, and we invited a few kids over to the house the following week (I can't remember which day) to celebrate her birthday with us.
Phil had purchased the Smurf DVD for Jocelyn so I decided that it would be fun to have a Smurf party. Heather, the queen of cakes, made an adorable Smurf house cake and we opened presents and watched the movie for entertainment. We kept things simple, but I think that she had a good time.

Opening presents

A Smurfy present

Heather's Smurfalicious cake.

Blowing out the candles

Since Phil was in Afghanistan, Jocelyn decided to wait to be baptized until her Daddy could perform the ordinance. We went to St. George recently to visit with family and were able to do the baptism there.

Jocelyn and Phil in front of the font

Congratulations Jocelyn, your Dad and I love you and are proud of you!


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