
Showing posts from March, 2009

What a great Daddy!

Any of you who know Phil know that he hates feet. He thinks they are yucky and that they should always be hidden by shoes. So, when his little daughter came up to him today and asked him if he would paint her toenails I was interested to see what he would do. He looked at her for a minute and then asked if she was sure she wanted him to be the one to do it. She said that she was sure and assured him that he would do a great job, so he sucked it up and sat down to paint her nails. Good job Phil! You made your little girl's day and you paint a mean toenail if I do say so myself.

Randon pics

Caleb is such a cheeser. If he sees a camera anywhere in his vicinity, he immediately smiles and says "Cheese!" Last week I took the kids to my favorite Mexican restaurant on my anniversary. It is fairly close to home and is so yummy. While we were waiting for our food, Caleb noticed that the people at the next table had a camera and so he smiled and kept saying cheese over and over. It was very funny. These are some pictures I took the other day because he kept posing and I couldn't resist that face. He would wait until the picture had been taken, run over and ask to see it on the viewer, and then run back and pose again.

One Month Old

I can't believe that my little Chase is a month old already! He is such a sweetie and has us all wrapped around his adorable little fingers. Caleb calls him Ticka and is always blowing kisses to him and trying to snuggle him. The older kids like to hold him and sometimes argue about who gets to hold him first. Phil loves to kiss his sweet baby cheeks, especially when he is hungry because he does a great impression of a baby bird. I think he just loves to tease his kids no matter what their age. As for me, I love that he is only waking up one to two times a night and is not a fussy baby. He is my little snuggle bug. He is already trying to lift up his head and look around. His eyes are very blue and he tries to see what is going on around him, he is very alert. He is the perfect addition to our little family.

Birthday Boy

Caleb's birthday was on March 15. We actually celebrated a day early on Saturday because Phil had duty on Sunday. We had a little party, just for our family and Caleb got to have his favorite dinner, pizza (Yeah Pizza!), some presents and some chocolate cupcakes. It was fun to see him open his gifts with such enthusiasm this year. Last year he didn't really understand the whole birthday thing, but this time around he loved it. He had picked out his gifts at Target so they were a big hit. He got some shirts, a bumper battle transformer, and the Sheriff from Cars. His Sheriff car is one of those shake and go cars and he loves to put it on the table and watch it fall off. He also got some fun stuff from his grandparents and some cards from various aunts and uncles. Thanks everybody for thinking of him and making his day special. I can't believe he is two already!

Chase's blessing

Last Sunday we blessed our sweet new baby. Heather was there and she and I, along with two nice ladies in the ward, wrote what we could and were able to piece it together after church. Thank you to Sister Winstead and Sister Kennington for your help. Also, thanks to Heather for typing it out for me. I am also so grateful to my sweet husband, who honors his priesthood and is able to give our children blessings. Father in Heaven, In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which we hold, we take this infant in our arms to give him a name and a blessing. The name we have chosen is Chase Maxwell Connor. Chase, we take this time to give you a blessing. With this blessing, I bless you with a body that is strong. A body that will have the strength and vigor to do the things that our Father in Heaven wants you to do. I bless you with health to carry out our Heavenly Father's will. You have been to be born into a family who loves

Diamond Head Crater

We were lucky enough to have my sister Heather come and stay with us for a few days after Chase was born. For the most part, we took it easy and she did all my laundry, but we were able to do a few fun things. On Saturday, we went to the Diamond Head Crater and climbed all the way to the top. The views were fantastic and it was nice to be out and about. After we climbed to the top we came back down and had a picnic on the grass. The kids had a great time and we all got some great pictures. Thanks for coming to see us Heather, and for all your help and love and support! Caleb wanted to help carry something Up on the trail. Chase's first hike On top of the world.

Ungrateful wretch that I am

I am feeling very humbled right now. I logged on to the computer to check the blogs and saw that Julie had posted something new. I read her blog and then checked out Gracie's blog and read about a family who have a baby with a heart defect. They are taking her off life support today and letting her little body go so that her spirit can return to Heavenly Father and her suffering can finally be over. As I was reading through all their posts, I realized what a giant boob I had been on the days leading up to Chase's birth. I moaned and groaned about still being pregnant, when I hadn't even gone over my due date yet. I did not show the proper gratitude to my Father in Heaven for giving me a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby boy, all I could think about was how miserable I still was and how much I wanted my baby to be born. It was a very selfish moment for me and one of which I am not proud. As I read through the posts on Gracie's blog and saw all the pain that fa

More Pics of the little man

Chase has been here for a whole week now and we have been having so much fun. He is so sweet and is such a good baby. He has really added something special to our family. Here are some more pictures so you can enjoy him too.