
Showing posts from February, 2012

Jocelyn's Birthday and Baptism

Jocelyn turned 8 on December 15th. Due to the fact that I had just given birth only a week before, I decided to wait until Aunt Heather arrived before attempting to host a birthday party. Heather arrived on the 18th, and we invited a few kids over to the house the following week (I can't remember which day) to celebrate her birthday with us. Phil had purchased the Smurf DVD for Jocelyn so I decided that it would be fun to have a Smurf party. Heather, the queen of cakes, made an adorable Smurf house cake and we opened presents and watched the movie for entertainment. We kept things simple, but I think that she had a good time. Opening presents A Smurfy present Heather's Smurfalicious cake. Blowing out the candles Since Phil was in Afghanistan, Jocelyn decided to wait to be baptized until her Daddy could perform the ordinance. We