Arg! There be Pirates here!

Well, not really, but we did go camping awhile ago at Buccaneer State Park. It is called this because it was actually a hideout for pirates at one time. It was also a camping site for General Andrew Jackson's army during the battle for New Orleans during the war of 1812. It is a nice park, almost right on the beach about 30 minutes from our home. We apparently went at the perfect time because later in the spring it is full of nasty little gnats.
We had recently purchased a new bike rack that we can use with our trailer, so we were able to take our bikes with us.

We also bought a new tent, one big enough to fit the whole family with an extra room that came in handy when it rained.

We arrived in the early afternoon and set up our campsite. We got our new tent up without too much trouble and were very impressed with all of our new space. We had been sleeping in two separate tents and Phil and I wanted to be in the same tent, but liked the idea of different rooms. The kids were all in one room, the middle room was a spot for sitting together and the other room was for me and Phil and Dallin.
Once our camp was organized, we went for a bike ride along the beach. Jocelyn and Nathan rode their bikes, Caleb and Chase rode in seats behind me and Phil and we strapped Dallin's car seat into the bike trailer. It actually worked out quite well.

When we got back from our ride, we cooked up some hot dogs and roasted marshmallows. We put the three littlest kids to bed, and then Nathan, Phil, Jocelyn and I played Uno. At one point, it started to rain, so we moved the game into our extra room in the tent. It was a lot of fun to be able to keep playing even with the rain outside.
The next morning we had breakfast, packed up the camp, and then went and played at the playground for awhile before heading home. It was a great trip and we hope to have many more like it this summer now that Phil is home with us.


Sounds fun. Reminds me of camping with you guys last year. Wish we were closer to do it again. And to have Phil roast me a mallow.
Sandra said…
I'm so happy that Phil is home and you were all together. Sounds like you have a great time.

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