This is what happens when my kids are quiet.

Last night Phil was changing Caleb's diaper before bed. He needed some desitin because Caleb has a diaper rash, so I ran upstairs and got it for him. After Caleb had his new diaper and had thrown away the dirty one, Phil went upstairs to work on a computer project while I was sorting through my Christmas stuff. Neither one of us was paying much attention to Caleb and he was being quiet so things seemed OK. I should have known that a quiet child can sometimes mean trouble. It seems that Phil forgot to put the desitin up out of the way and this was the result. . .


Joanna said…
That is funny and bad nasty. It must have taken forever to get that stuff off of him!
Sandra said…
Oh how funny! It looks like he had some for dinner too. (: Or almost had some. That is a great picture!
Anonymous said…
Sure brings back memories... aren't they fun at that age? Darling picture!

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