Hubby Tag

1. Where did you meet your husband? His Mother set us up.
2. How long did you date? We dated for a month and were engaged for two, and most of it was long distance.
3. How long have you been married? Almost 9 years.
4. What does he do that surprises you? Phil is very funny. He makes me laugh all the time, which is a surprise to most people because he seems so serious.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? Wow, where do I start? I love his eyes and, this may sound silly, but I love his hands.
6. What is his best quality? He has so many, but I think his honesty is his best one.
7. Does he have a nick name for you? Lady.
8. What is his favorite food? Leftovers.
9. What is his favorite sport? Soccer
10. When and where was your first kiss? It happened after Christmas in 1999 when he came all the way up to Utah to see me. We were in my apartment and I was so nervous!
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We are very outdoorsy people and we like to hike and backpack.
12. Do you have children? Yes, four kids, three boys (one is on the way, but I'm counting him anyway) and our princess girl.
13. Does he have hidden talents? He is very creative.
14. How old is he? He will be 31 in 5 days.
15. Who said I love you first? He did.
16. His favorite music? I think he prefers silence, but he likes to workout to rock.
17. What do you admire most about him? That he is a great husband and father!
18. What is his favorite color? Doesn't have one.
19. Will he read this? Yes.
20. Who do you tag? Brittney, Julie, and Jen and whomever else is interested


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