It really does take two

Well, my husband is gone again and it has me thinking about families. I think that the Lord was terribly clever when he created families with a Mom and a Dad because it really works best that way. When Phil is here, I am so much calmer and sweeter and less stressed. We each have our strengths and we play off each other well. We have each other's backs and life is so much easier, not to mention calmer and more sane when we are working together as a team to raise our family. When he is gone, my stress levels go way up. I have less patience, I raise my voice so much more, I am not as happy or I'm afraid, as nice as I am when he is here. It is hard and I am working on it, especially since I will be a single parent for more than half of 2009. Clearly, I can do better, but I am so looking forward to the time when he gets to be around all the time and I don't have to go it alone.


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