Little Bedfellows

It seems that there is nothing that Caleb enjoys doing more in the mornings than snuggling with Chase. They are so cute. This morning Chase was in my bed and Caleb ran in and climbed up to lay down next to him. He announced that he needed to give Chase a "mmma" which is Caleb's way of saying kiss, and a hug. Chase is very patient with his older brother. Even though he is often squished by Caleb's attentions, Chase takes it all in stride and endures it with stoicism and sometimes a smile. I really enjoy hanging out with my little friends and feel it an honor to be their mother.


Sandra said…
Very cute! You might have some trouble on your hands when those two get older and are the best of friends and thick as thieves.
Joanna said…
Those two are so cute! I love the squishy feeling my heart gets when the kids are sweet and kind to each other...and I still love Caleb's hair cut!

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