And this little piggy went...into the mouth

Some people give their babies binkies. They say that binkies are better because you can take them away. I have personally never been a fan of the bink. I'm not sure why, maybe because I saw a lot of eight and nine year old binky suckers in Brazil. Also, when I was pregnant with my first child I read that you should not give a newborn a binky because it can cause nipple confusion. NIPPLE CONFUSION? That sounded bad to me so when they asked me in the hospital if I wanted Nathan to have a binky, I said no. After a couple of months, each one of my children has found the thumb, and it has been glorious! They all started sleeping through the night, at three months old and, in the case of my boys, stopped sucking the thumb voluntarily at about ten months. Joslyn has been my one hold out. She is five and still sucks her thumb at night, but we are working on that and all in all I am a fan of the thumb. Chase found his thumb a couple of weeks ago and started sleeping through the night at just over two months old. This is so nice because I do not function well when sleep deprived. If his thumb falls out of his mouth, he knows exactly where it is and doesn't have to make me search around in his crib for a missing bink. I say, hurray for the thumb!






JD said…
Ok he is straight up cute! I have three binki suckers and dude I am a hater...I pray that my kids will drop it and not pick it up again. But we may have a house full of nine year old binki lovers. :)

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