
I took my motorcycle driver's test on Thursday and was able to pass, if not with flying colors, at least with acceptable marks. I got docked for going over the line on my U turn and for running over two cones on my swerves. All in all not a bad showing. I am very proud of myself and happy that it is behind me and that I have my license instead of just a permit. Phil and the kids were there and Phil was very pleased with the way I rode. I am especially glad that I was able to finish it now since I will only be able to ride for a few more months at most and then will be out of commission until after the baby is born. The only bummer was that they made me retake my driver's license photo after the ride and I had a bad case of helmet hair. Oh well, life goes on.


Amanda said…
watch out on the roads!!
JD said…
oh that is exactly what a blog is for showing off the helmet hair!! Copy and post that picture :)

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