Holidays are great

What a great holiday weekend we had. Phil was lucky and didn't have to stand duty this weekend so we got three days, you heard right, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to spend together as a family. It was so nice. On Friday, we celebrated the 4th by heading to the beach. We went to a new beach along the North Shore and again had the opportunity to swim with the sea turtles. It was very cool to see them just swimming along, feet from where we were and poking their heads above the water to take a breath every once and awhile. They are so big, yet they are very maneuverable in the water and it is always inspiring to see them swimming past. After the beach, we went to get yummy snow cones, yes, we got the ones with the ice cream and that was so good, especially because it was a hot day and we were tired from all the playing we did. Phil left us in the car and stood in a very long line so we could have something sweet and cold, now that is what I call dedicated. In the evening we rode our bikes to see some fireworks and had a great time. We were a little to far away for them to make a huge impression on the kids, but it was still fun. Nathan asked me why we had a holiday on the 4th and I got to tell him about the founding of our nation. He was very impressed that our forefathers were brave enough to fight against a king and win.
On Saturday, we took it easy for the most part. In the evening we went out to dinner with some friends we knew back when Phil was in nuke school and then again in sub school. We ate Thai food and then went to see "WALL*E" which was very cute and fun. Even Caleb sat through most of it, although I believe that was due more to the huge bag of popcorn and the sodas we had then any actual interest in the movie. He loves popcorn and would feed not only himself, but also enjoyed stuffing as much popcorn in his Dad's mouth as possible. Nathan and Joslyn loved the film and talked about it all night long.
Today we all got to go to church together as a family and were only two minutes late, which I believe is a new personal best for us, much to Phil's consternation. We had a great Sunday and invited the Kempers over for dinner. Their son Becket is only a week older than Caleb and the two get along great. The usually play together during Sunday School and Relief Society or Priesthood and are very cute. They had fun tonight and we played Taboo while Nathan, Joslyn and their older son Brenner played upstairs. It is nice to get to know more people from our ward.


Amanda said…
that is so awesome that you got three whole days with philip. Yeah for you guys!!We missed you at the bbq. It sounds like you had a very nice weekend. Have a good day.

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