Happy Birthday!

On Saturday we celebrated Nathan's 7th birthday. Can you believe it? My little guy is seven years old! Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday he was a baby and now he is seven and getting ready to start second grade in a few days.
We had a party at our house and it was a lot of fun. Several of Nathan's friends came over and we had hot dogs, hit a pinata and ate chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. The good news was that no one was hit with the broom stick even though it was being wielded by a bunch of kids on a sugar high. Nathan declared it "the best birthday ever!" which is all you can ask for as a parent. I have to admit that I had my doubts about the day, especially since it started out with inauspiciously. Nathan got into the shower in the morning and was confronted by a four inch centipede. It scared him really bad and took me about 5 minutes of hitting the thing with a flip flop before I incapacitated it enough to get it flushed down the toilet. Luckily the day went uphill from there and we ended on the best birthday ever note.

Taking a swing

Blowing out the candles

All the way from France!


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