Four Course Meal

While we stayed at the Chateau de Brou we had the chance to eat a very fancy four course meal. We all dressed in our fancy clothes and wore our fancy shoes and ate in the very fancy dining room. Here is a picture of the dining area, we were in our own alcove off the main room.

The room where you wait for your table to be ready.

Dining Room

The fireplace. Note the M on the top. We are sure it stands for Metcalfe.

This was our table in the room just off the main dining area.

They probably put us there because they wanted to separate the rambunctious Americans from the rest of the diners, but we were happy and it was great. Here are some pictures of our delicious dinner. Not only was the dinner well prepared, but it was also well presented. I missed getting a picture of the little (and I mean tiny) bowl of delightful cold tomato soup they served us to whet our appetites, but here are the rest. I had to get out my thesaurus to find different synonyms for delicious or you would be hearing it over and over again and repetition in writing is never a good thing. Enjoy! It's making me hungry just writing about it!

The salad. It was mouthwatering.

Joanna was brave and got the goose liver pate. I tried some and it was very yummy.

The fish course. I believe this is cod. Very flaky and savory.

My main dish. I got the beef with white beans and a rich gravy. They also had duck and a few others, but I didn't get pictures of those.

The cheese course. This is actually goat cheese on some sweet toasted bread triangles with some greens on the side. Very tasteful. Even Jo was able to get over her aversion to non melted cheese and eat it.

Dessert! This was my apricot crumble. So sweet with just the right amount of fruity tartness!

This was the chocolate cake. I got a taste. It was delectable.

This was the rhubarb flambe. It was heavenly, but we were sad that they didn't bring it out and let us see them light it on fire.

It took us about two and a half hours to eat our meal. There were about fifteen minutes between each course. The portions were small, but perfect because there were so many courses. That, plus the crunchy, divine bread rolls (sorry no picture) were more than enough to fill us. It was a wonderful experience.


Joanna said…
This is exactly how they make goose liver pate...ah the fois gras! That was so much stinking fun!

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