A day in the life of Caleb

A couple of days ago I followed Caleb around and recorded (via the camera) some of his daily activities. I thought it was pretty funny, so I'll share with the rest of you.

Put Vaseline in cup? Check!

Throw stuff on the stairs? Check!

Cars on fridge? Check!

Line cars up on couch? Check!

Help Joslyn pick up game? Check!

Hide car under bush outside? Check!

Whew, what a busy day, and that wasn't even the half of it!


Sandra said…
I love the cars lined up on the couch and hinding in funny spots. Eli still to this day does that! Very cute!
looks like Zack's Day. Love the family picure! (Get off Blogspot and move to Wordpress or risk losing your blog for no reason and without recourse. Learned my own lesson here.)
Joanna said…
Hilarious! You should keep a list of where you find his cars. Cute Caleb!

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