What is it about boys and cars?

When Nathan was almost two years old, he became very interested in cars. He loved them and was always playing with his "beeps". A couple of months ago, I noticed a similar phenomenon with Caleb. One day he had no particular interest in cars, and the next he was carrying "beeps" with him everywhere he went. With Nathan, he was satisfied by having a car in each hand. Caleb, however, loads his little arms with as many cars as he can carry. It must be a boy thing.
This is Nathan at his second birthday party. With all the toys and all the activity going on around him, all he wanted to do was play with his new cars.
Here are a couple of pictures of Caleb playing with his cars (notice the number of cars in front of him) at the table.


Tiffany said…
hehehe My son Hoss is the exact same way! He has to have cars or he gets fiesty!
Joanna said…
Holy crap Jaime!!! That Caleb of yours is a male version of you! He's so cute! Awww!
Amanda said…
there is some thing about boys and cars

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