Four kids in a hammock

Before he left for Afghanistan, Phil set up the hammock for me on the back porch. It was actually part of my Mother's Day gift, along with an electronic reader. He thought that it would be an enjoyable spot for me to be able to read and unwind. He was right, it is fabulous. Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks so . . .


Valerie said…
I don't think I've seen your blog before. Your family is gorgeous!!
Sandra said…
I love it! That's great that you got a picture of them all together like that. So now the question is will it fit one more? =)
Joanna said…
Looks like you'll have to fight the kids for the hammock. What a nice gift from Phil...there is something immeasurably soothing about rocking in a hammock.
The Hof family said…
So precious! I love it! Nathan is such an awesome big brother to read to his siblings. Oh I miss your kiddos!
Love the hammock, love the little buddies in the hammock, love the picture of their feet and legs! It doesn't get any more precious than that.
Bonnie Bennett said…
You are an amazing lady and I admire you very much! That is a most beautiful family you have there!

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