My Little Two Year Old

On Monday, my little Chase turned two. It is hard to believe that so much time has past since his birth. Time is just flying past and I can't seem to get it to slow down. He is such a smart little guy. He is happy and just a joy to be around. He is such a little love and enjoys "kiss mommy cheek." I love him so much and cannot imagine our family without his wonderful presence. He runs, he jumps, he jabbers, and he loves us all so well. Happy Birthday sweet boy. Thank you for coming to our family.

This was my lame attempt at making a robot cake. It looks silly, but it was yummy so I guess that is all that matters.

Chase is checking out the contents of his first gift bag. Hmmm, I wonder what it could be.

Fun stuff.

Blowing out the candles.


Oh sweet Chase...I can't believe he's 2 and I've never even held him! Your robot cake rocked! What a simple and great idea. Brilliant!
Joanna said…
You made a robot out of Twix bars! I call that ingenious!! Happy Birthday Chase!
Sandra said…
It can't be! I can't believe he's two! Happy B-day little cutie. Wish we could have been there for the party.

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