New Teeth and No Teeth

I need to take a quick break from my France posts to mark a momentous occasion. Well, two actually. Chase got one of his two front teeth while we were in France. Then the tooth next to it came in, I mean the one on the side, not the other front one. He has been lopsided ever since and the other front one just wouldn't come up although it was right beneath the surface. Joslyn, on the other hand, lost her front tooth and then the one one the side, so she had a gap, a tooth, and then another gap. She looked like a red neck. Anyway, yesterday Joslyn finally lost her other front tooth, and Chase finally gained his. All is right with the world.

Chase's new teeth

Joslyn's big gap


Joanna said…
Ha ha! That is so funny. Chase looks awfully proud of those teeth. Too bad you didn't post the "redneck" photos. I'm very fond of rednecks.
Sandra said…
I love it! They are so cute and very happy to have, or not to have teeth.

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