Seven Months Old

Now I know that Chase has been seven months old for a couple of weeks now, but I'm a little behind, so here goes. He is getting so big isn't he? I think he is just about the best baby in the world and he is so fun and sweet. The other kids just love him and he loves it when they talk to him and play with him. He is sitting up now and after weeks of scooting backwards, has finally perfected the forward army crawl. He scoots himself all over the place and loves being mobile, although he will still sit in his high chair and on my lap for long periods of time, which I hope lasts until after we get home from Paris. He is a little love!

Bouncing! Bouncing, bouncing, morning, noon, and noony night.

I guess dinner wasn't all that interesting.


Anonymous said…
Wow, he's getting so big! What a doll... wish I were there to squish those cute cheeks!
Joanna said…
I love all the funny places babies fall asleep. Cracks me up. That Chase is too, too cute!
Sandra said…
Man he is so cute, and I love his cheeks!!!

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