Two Boys in a Bed
One thing that I love about Caleb is that he is such a sweet boy. He loves his baby brother so much and always wants to hold him and give kisses. He hasn't quite figured out what it means to be "gentle", but he tries to love Chase as best he can. This morning I woke up to calls of "MOM! OUT!" so I dragged my sorry self out of bed and went into Caleb's room and got him out of the crib. Then I went back into my room and flopped on the bed, not quite ready to face the day. I had my eyes closed, but I heard Caleb come in and start to talk to Chase, who was also awake and lying in his bassinet. Then I heard Caleb start to make kissing noises. It is not unusual for Caleb to blow kisses at Chase so I didn't look at first until Chase started making little grunts that coincided with the kisses. I sat up and I saw that Caleb had climbed into the bassinet with the baby and was giving him loves.

Love, Sister Mom
- Sara xx