I am not a soccer mom!
Today both Nathan and Joslyn had soccer games. I had to bring snacks for Joslyn's team, take Joslyn to her game, drop her off and run Nathan over to his game (they both started at 10:00), watch the first half of Nathan's game, and then run over and watch the last half of Joslyn's. Throw having to chase Caleb around while holding the baby in the front pack, and you will have a pretty good idea of my morning. One of my friends made a comment to me the other day calling me the "ultimate soccer mom". I smiled at her, but inside I had had to disagree. I admit that the term "soccer mom" has been ruined for me by Hilary Clinton. She used that term a lot in her speeches and campaigns, and I am not a fan, so the word has been tainted. I didn't even like it when Sarah Palin overused the term "hockey mom" when she was running for Vice President. To me, terms such as these pigeon hole us. I am not a "soccer mom". I am more! I am a gourmet chef, a healer, a spiritual advisor, a chauffeur, a housekeeper, an artist, a partner, a sex kitten and so many more things. I am a woman.
