Easter disaster averted
I didn't do anything big for Easter this year. What with Phil gone and all, I just didn't have it in me, but I did get some Easter candy and was all ready to put it in baskets for the little ones. Saturday night, way after the kids had finally fallen asleep, I went out to the garage to pull down my holiday bin and get out the small baskets I had purchased several years ago. Down came the bin, out came the stuff and (gasp) no baskets! Then I remembered that when we had moved here, Phil had "accidentally" thrown away one of my holiday bins, and along with all my fabulous Halloween stuff, the baskets must also have been in there. Crap! Now what was I going to do? Then I remembered an e-mail that I had received from babycenter.com that had some easy Easter crafts in it. I found the e-mail and saw that they had an easy homemade Easter basket made with an egg carton, some pipe cleaner and some crepe paper streamers. I emptied all the eggs out of my egg carton, ran upstairs and got the bundle of pipe cleaner I had used a while ago for Primary, and checked the garage to see if there were any more streamers left over from Joslyn's birthday party. Luckily there were. I got my hot glue gun and went to work. When I was finished I had three simple baskets full of Easter candy. Whew! That was a close one!
