Nathan's Baptism
Nathan got baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on August 1, 2009. The baptism was preformed by his father and was held in the Mililani Hawaii Stake Center. It was so wonderful to see how excited Nathan was for his baptism and we were so pleased with his decision to follow the example of Jesus Christ. The program was a bit long, but the Spirit was there and we got through it with only a few escape attempts by Caleb and a few complaints of "Are they done yet?" from Joslyn. The Stake asks that you not make a big to do afterward so that the focus can be on the kids and the ordinance and not the party after, so we told Nathan that we would take him out to eat wherever he wanted. Yep, we went to Chucky Cheese. That was OK though because the kids got to play and relieve some of the pent up energy that sitting for an hour and a half had stored up in their little bodies. It was a great day and one of many such milestones to be enjoyed.

All dressed in white

Mother and Son

All dressed in white

Mother and Son
Bonnie & Tug
Loved talking to you guys and seeing your gorgeous family 'live' we sure do miss you guys! Your family is a wonderful example to us! I'm so proud of Nathan!! He's growing into such a wonderful young man!
Your family is so beautiful! I love the new pic on your blog! Thanks for inviting us to read it and for continuing to be our friends even after such a long time!
Love you guys!