First Day of School
Well, it's that time of year again. The time that kids dread and parents rejoice. School time! This year Nathan is in third grade, while Joslyn gets to go through kindergarten. She wanted to move on to first grade since she did the pre-K program last year and it was offered to us, but Phil and I decided that since she is so young and all the kids her age on the mainland are just now starting kindergarten, we would keep her with her age group. She seems OK with that now that school has started and she is making new friends and likes her new teacher. Nathan got lucky and has a lot of his friends from 2nd grade in his class this year. His teacher seems nice but firm, so that is good. He is excited to learn to write in cursive this year. They are both taking the bus again and we have made a deal that they can eat school lunch once a week, so that makes them happy to get a change every once and a while. I am happy because I get to have a little peace during the day, especially at nap time. School is cool.
