Still Pregnant
I have to admit that I am having a bad attitude right now about being pregnant. Even though I'm not quite 38 weeks, I really want THIS BABY TO COME OUT! So, in the hope of reminding myself to be patient and to relish the fact that I am pregnant with a healthy baby boy, which is something that some women don't get to experience, I thought I would take to the blog and make a list of things that are good about pregnancy to help me to remember not to be bitter about the fact that I am sore and tired and getting new stretch marks. First of all, after all is said and done, the most important thing I get out of it is a beautiful baby boy! How cool is that? It is such a privilege to play host to and help to build a body for one of Heavenly Father's precious children. Second, my kids have had such a great time anticipating the arrival of their new sibling. Here are some pictures of Caleb kissing and tickling my tummy or "the baby". It will be fun to see him with his new younger sibling.

And the third I get to be all glowing and maternal. Somebody at church told me yesterday that I look fantastic and clear skinned, and radiant, and tell me honestly, is there a woman in the world who doesn't like to hear those kinds of compliments? Anyway, despite the pain, and the contractions that don't do anything, and the waiting and hoping that it will happen soon, and the frustration that it hasn't happened yet, I am grateful. I am grateful for the fact that I am pregnant and that he is healthy and that I am healthy, and that my family is excited to have a new addition, and that my husband is employed and that we are able to squeeze in another child and all that goes with it. In other words, I'm feeling very blessed.
