The Park
Last weekend, while Phil was busy studying I took the kids to the park. We had a great time and the weather was so nice. It is nice to get out and it is such a fun little park, just down from our house. We took water bottles and Joslyn rode her bike, parked it outside the gate and ran back to escort Caleb. It was nice to sit there and watch the kids run around chasing each other and going down the slide. We saw a huge snail climbing up the wall of the fence. The shell was easily three inches long and if I had been French, I probably would have taken it home for dinner.
I admit that I have not been outside much just for the fun of it lately. Mostly my ventures to the great outdoors have to do with running errands and it was nice to change that. What with the perfect weather and the slight breeze blowing in to cool us it was just about as good as it gets. The only thing that would have made it better is if Phil could have been there with us instead of studying, but I guess you can't have everything. It was so nice being outside and just relaxing. What a great day!
