Ho! Ho! Ho!
We had our Ward Christmas party yesterday. It was a lot of fun and the food was yummy. We had a fun program and then sang Christmas carols. One of the carols we sang was the Twelve Days of Christmas Hawaiian style, which was pretty funny. It went like this:
On the one day of Christmas my TuTu (grandma) gave to me, one mynah bird in one papaya tree.
On the two day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, two coconuts
On the three day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, three dried squid
On the four day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, four flower leis
On the five day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, five big fat pigs
On the six day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, six hula lessons
On the seven day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, seven shrimps a swimming
On the eight day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, eight ukuleles
On the nine day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, nine pounds of poi
On the ten day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, ten cans of soda
On the eleven day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, eleven missionaries
On the twelve day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, twelve televisions
It very well could be that this is funnier to people who have lived in Hawaii, but I thought it was great. After the carols, we had a special visitor, yes it was Santa. The kids were all so excited and everyone got to sit on his lap and get a picture and a treat. Nathan and Joslyn were so happy, but Caleb wasn't sure what to think of this bearded man. When I put him on Santa's lap he didn't cry, but he was certainly confused as to why his Mom was giving him to this stranger. He did love the treats though.

On the one day of Christmas my TuTu (grandma) gave to me, one mynah bird in one papaya tree.
On the two day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, two coconuts
On the three day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, three dried squid
On the four day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, four flower leis
On the five day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, five big fat pigs
On the six day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, six hula lessons
On the seven day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, seven shrimps a swimming
On the eight day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, eight ukuleles
On the nine day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, nine pounds of poi
On the ten day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, ten cans of soda
On the eleven day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, eleven missionaries
On the twelve day of Christmas my TuTu gave to me, twelve televisions
It very well could be that this is funnier to people who have lived in Hawaii, but I thought it was great. After the carols, we had a special visitor, yes it was Santa. The kids were all so excited and everyone got to sit on his lap and get a picture and a treat. Nathan and Joslyn were so happy, but Caleb wasn't sure what to think of this bearded man. When I put him on Santa's lap he didn't cry, but he was certainly confused as to why his Mom was giving him to this stranger. He did love the treats though.