Birthday Boys (part two)
Caleb's birthday was on March fifteenth. Caleb had been telling me for months that he wanted to go to Chuck E Cheeses for his birthday, so since we let our kids pick what they want to eat on their birthdays, we packed up the car and off we went. We had a great time. I'm not terribly fond of their pizza, but the kids like it and they love the games and mini rides. Caleb had an absolute ball. He ran around from game to game, getting tickets and laughing all the way. We brought his presents with us so he got to open them after we ate. Thanks to the Grandparents and Heather for gifts they sent. Then we went home and had some chocolate cake (I must have something for chocolate cakes, yummy!)

Opening Presents

Mmmmmmm, chocolate cake!
Opening Presents
Mmmmmmm, chocolate cake!