You complete me (corney but true)

Hooray! Phil is home, for a little bit anyway. Ship's movements are of course classified so I could tell you more but then . . . well, we all know what comes next. It is great to have him home. It feels complete when he is with us. Whenever he goes away, there always seems to be a huge hole in our lives. I have to give single mothers all the admiration in the world because it is hard to raise a family alone, even if it is for a few weeks or months at a time. We enjoyed some good quality "couple" time last night. We went on our date night to a restaurant in downtown Honolulu called Kincaid's. It was very good and we loved being able to talk without being interrupted every couple of minutes by a "Dad this" or a "Mom that". We rode double on Phil's motorcycle on the way down and then after we picked up the kids in the van, I got to drive it home. It had been two weeks since I had been able to ride my motorcycle and it was so fun. I'm definitely getting better. He is on duty today, but we are going to the boat to have dinner with him later. Might as well enjoy the time together while we can.


Amanda said…
hey jaime I hpe you dont mind that I found your blog. It is very cute. welcome aboard the blog wagon. Happy Blogging
JD said…
Ok that is awesome! Biking! I want one so bad. I need one with two side cars for the kids LOL.

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