I So Rock!

Over the weekend, I ran my first half marathon. I knew I was going to be slow, but my goal was to run the whole thing and I did it and it was very cool and fulfilling to make a big goal like that and then accomplish it. Here is a breakdown of the race including some highlights and some lowlights. 9:30 pm Saturday I went to bed, but was unfortunately kept up for half the night dealing with little people issues, courtesy of Joslyn and Caleb. Not necessarily the auspicious beginning for which I had hoped. 4:30 am Sunday I woke up to my alarm and stumbled out of bed. I have never claimed to be a morning person, but thought I was pretty lucid considering. I had a bowl of frosted mini wheats, got dressed and most importantly fed Chase! Phil got me out the door at about 10 minutes past five and I took off. 5:10-5:55 am was spent driving. I knew the way, I had been sure to drive there on Friday. I didn't have any trouble until I got close and they started closing roads due to the r...